6.824 Spring 2004 Project Reports
Exploring Proximity Based Peer Selection in a BitTorrent-like Protocol, Asfandyar Qureshi
Portable Reputations with EgoSphere, Keith Bonawitz, Chaitra Chandrasekhar, Rui Viana
Waffle Mixer: A Library for Distributing Genetic Algorithms, Ariel Rideout, Ryan Williams, David Ziegler
ABS: The Apportioned Backup System, Joe Cooley, Chris Taylor, Alen Peacock
Automated Testing of Distributed Systems, Nathan Boy, Jared Casper, Carlos Pacheco, Amy Williams
DIBS: Distributed Backup for Local Area Networks, Eugene Hsu, Jeff Mellen, Pallavi Naresh
Content Distribution Using an Enhanced BitTorrent System, Nirav Dave, Albert Huang, Yuan Shen, Edmund Wong
WebTorrent: a BitTorrent Extension for High Availability Servers, Gary Sivek, Steven Sivek, Jonathan Wolfe, Michael Zhivich
Zebra: Peer To Peer Multicast for Live Streaming Video, Maya Dobuzhskaya, Rose Liu, Jim Roewe, Nidhi Sharma
Prototyping a DHT-Oriented Architecture, Maxwell Krohn, Jeremy Stribling, Michael Walfish
An Instant Messager Application based on OpenHash
(also here), Tamara Yu, Ryan Manuel, Joanna Liang, Timothy Chan
P2P Objects, Wenyan Dong, Sonam Dorji, Sachin Katti and Dimitris Vyzovitis