Dec. 15, 2004
Quiz 2
10pm Dec. 15, 2004
Final Grades:
should be accessible via websis by now.
Dec. 15, 2004
Quiz 2: median=81.5, mean=81 (distribution).
Dec. 11, 2004
Quiz 2 Review:
Additional TA office hours, 8pm Monday Dec. 13, Building 32G,
9th floor lounge.
Dec. 6, 2004
QUIZ 2: Tuesday
Dec. 14, 1:30-3:00pm, Walker Memorial.
open book:
The quiz is open book, open notes, etc., but no laptops, wireless
networks, cellphones, etc. You shouldn't be in need of a
scope: This
quiz will cover all material from lecture 14 through lecture 23
and everything covered in labs 1 through 6.
note: The scope
of the quiz is similar to the earlier in-class quiz and, as before,
you will have 80 minutes to complete the
quiz. Even though the registrar lists 3 hours allocated to this
quiz. This quiz is not a final; it is the second mid-term quiz.
quizzes: 6.828 fall 2003: quiz 2
and solutions. 6.097 fall 2002: quiz 2 solutions.
Nov. 29, 2004
HKN underground guide evaluations: Wednesday 12/1, 1:40pm, in 32-144.
Nov. 16, 2004
Homeworks 22 and 23 are posted.
Nov. 17, 2004
Lab 6 is now available!
Nov. 16, 2004
Homeworks 19, 20 and 21 posted.
Nov. 10, 2004
Homework 18 posted.
Nov. 8, 2004
UTF-8 History mentioned in class.
Nov. 4, 2004
Solutions for quiz 1 have been posted.
Nov. 4, 2004
Lab 5 is now posted.
Have fun!
Nov. 3, 2004
Homework 16 has been posted; due Monday.
Nov. 1, 2004
Quiz 1 statistics posted (median score: 84).
Oct. 26, 2004
Quiz 1 Review:
Friday 29 Oct. 3-5pm, Building 32G, 9th floor lounge.
Oct. 26, 2004
Monday Nov. 1, during lecture hours.
open book:
The quiz is open book, open notes, etc., but no laptops, wireless
networks, cellphones, etc. You shouldn't be in need of a
This quiz will cover all material through lecture 13 (Files and
Directories). This material includes all v6 source code covered
through lecture 13 (and the corresponding chapters of Lions's), x86
architecture as covered in the x86 lectures, and the material covered
in labs 1, 2, and 3.
quizzes: 6.828 fall 2003: quiz 1
and solution. 6.097 fall 2002: quiz 1 solution.
Oct. 16, 2004
Homeworks 11, 12, 13 and 14 have been posted.
Oct. 13, 2004
Lab 4 is now posted.
Have fun!
Oct. 1, 2004
Lab 3 is now posted.
(Sorry it's a bit late.)
Have fun!
Sep. 29, 2004
Homeworks 9 and 10 have been posted.
Sep. 27, 2004
Homeworks 7 and 8 have been posted.
Quiz 2:
Dec. 14th, 1:30pm-4:30pm in Walker Memorial.
Sep. 23, 2004 Homework 6 fix: Before running
gmake, you will need to create a temporary directory for use
by the v6 simulator, by using 'mkdir $V6ROOT/tmp'. Otherwise,
the simulator will hang in an infinite loop.
Sep. 15, 2004
Lab 2 is now available!
Also, homeworks 5 and 6 have been posted on
the schedule page.
Sep. 13, 2004
Homework 4 is now posted
on the schedule page.
Office hours are now posted
on the general administrivia page.
If you're taking or listening in on the class
and aren't already on our mailing list,
please E-mail us
so that we can get you on it!
Sep. 9, 2004 Lab 1 fix: An issue with our makefiles has
been found. Either download the new
lab1.tar.gz or remove the --adjust-vma=0xXXXX
argument to OBJDUMP in lab1/kern/Makefrag
and lab1/boot/Makefrag.
Sep. 9, 2004
Room Change: Lectures will now be held in 32-144.
Sep. 9, 2004
Homeworks 2 and 3 posted on the schedule
page. There will be no homework 1.
Sep. 8, 2004
Notes for lecture 1 are posted; you will find them (and future notes)
on the schedule page. click on the title of the lecture.
Sep. 8, 2004
Lab 1 is now available!
Sep. 7, 2004 Preliminary schedule for this semester
is available on the schedule page.
Lions' book can be picked up at CopyTech (11-0004)
starting Tomorrow (Wednesday).
Questions or comments regarding 6.828? Send e-mail to the TAs at
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Last updated Wednesday, 22-Sep-2021 12:14:42 EDT